By The Almondista

Bialetti - Electric frother


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Having fresh almond milk is awesome, but we don't always have a blender to make it. Do not worry we got you covered. These cool gadget not only save you from using a big blender but also make your almond milk extra fancy with frothy cream – just like at the coffee shop, or even better. It’s incredibly simple. 


Add 1 or 2 tablespoon of the Almondista base with 1 cup of water (200 ml) and push the on button. We love this Bialetti Electric milk frother as it does the job super-fast and can impress all your friends with a perfect Cappuccino. Pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of The Almondista base with 150 ml press a button, and bam – frothy goodness is ready. And it's Energy Class A+, you know we love all green things, including our gadgets! 

And the temperature is always perfect!


Ready to impress?